The focus of our School Self Evaluation 2023-2024 is on Digital Learning.
We will build on our Digital Learning Plan with a new focus – Coding.
This this a very exciting venture – one we’re sure the children will be challenged by and will enjoy too.
- The focus of this Digital Learning Plan
We undertook a digital learning evaluation, relating to our understanding of, and experience with, coding. This took place in September/October 2023. We evaluated our current level of understanding and experience using the following sources of evidence:
- Student survey
- Parent conference with a number of parents
- Teacher survey
- Feedback from core team and staff meeting
Our choice to focus on coding/computational thinking was also based on the following:
’In 2019 the NCCA published a report Coding in Primary Schools. This report was the culmination of an audit of coding in primary schools across 22 countries, as well as a pilot project conducted in 40 Irish primary schools.
Key findings from the report included that computational thinking is the right focus in primary education and can and should be supported and developed through activities in every subject. It also stated playful and meaningful approaches should be used to maintain interest and zest in pupils when teaching coding and computational skills.’ (PDST website)
- The dimensions and domains from the Digital Learning Framework being selected
- Teaching and Learning – Learner Experiences
- Teaching and Learning – Teachers’ Individual Practice
- The standards and statements from the Digital Learning Framework being selected
Standard | Statement |
Students experience opportunities to develop the skills and attitudes necessary for lifelong learning | Students apply their digital competence in innovative ways to new situations or contexts, creatively develop new solutions and/or products, and see themselves engaging in continuing education and training. |
The teacher selects and uses planning, preparation and assessment practices that progress students’ learning | Teachers use appropriate digital technologies to support differentiated learning, enabling learners to take ownership of their individual learning needs.
Teachers use appropriate digital technologies to help pupils design projects and activities that engage them in collaborative problem solving, research, and/or artistic creation. |
- This is a summary of our strengths with regards digital learning
- All teachers are using a range of digital technologies (devices, websites, programmes) on a daily basis in their classrooms to compliment teaching and learning.
- Teachers allow the pupils regular opportunities to engage with the technologies available.
- Child specific programmes are being used to support learning in S.E.T.
- The vast majority of parents reported that their children use digital technologies in an educational way.
- Parents reported the school directed research and projects were the main focus of their children’s educational use of digital technologies at home.
- Parents’ wishes for the future use of digital technologies are broadly in line with the school’s aims, ie to be broad, balanced and safe, developing specific creative skills.
- The vast majority of parents are linked in to their child’s ClassDojo and many children use their online ClassDojo portfolio to share their classwork with parents.
- We have a school website, which is regularly updated. Class teachers post updates weekly.
- We have engaged with Safer Internet Week 2023 to teach children about internet safety.
- This is what we are going to focus on to improve our digital learning practice further
- As a school, we are going to introduce coding in all classes.
Junior and Senior Infants will engage in coding activities using BeeBots |
1st and 2nd class will engage in coding activities, and create projects, with Scratch Jr on the iPads |
3rd and 4th class will engage in coding activities, and create projects, with Scratch on the iPads |
5th and 6th class will engage in coding activities with Micro:bits and create a project |
- Staff will engage in CPD to further understanding of and competence and competence in teaching and guiding coding activities in classrooms.
- We will ensure staff have opportunities to engage in peer support in the area of coding.
- We will engage in a continuous process of improvement, eventually embedding the children’s learning in coding and other areas of digitial technology across the curriculum. We will share knowledge and ideas through discussion and sharing of completed projects on the school website. We will facilitate the sharing of knowledge from older to younger children, with Tech Team and older classes working with younger children.
- We will continue to promote the safe use of digital technology by engaging with Webwise resources and following our AUP.