Science Week in First Class

First Class participated in a range of activities for Science Week.

Our first experiment helped us to learn that if some light shines through an object, then the object is transparent and if light is unable to shine through, then the object is opaque.

We tested what would happen if we left an egg in vinegar for 24 hours. This turned out to be 48 hours due to our unexpected school closure on Wednesday. Our egg turned soft or “squishy” as first class called it. Our egg was also bouncy. One very interested pupil decided to check just how “squishy” it was and this resulted in an egg yolk landing on a table and some rather sticky school books!!

We then decided to make some raisins dance. Unfortunately for us, our raisins weren’t really in the mood for dancing. This probably had more to do with the lack of fizz in the water rather than the raisins lack of co-operation. First Class suggested a trip to the shop there and then to purchase a new bottle of fizzy water! Since this wasn’t really an option for us, parents you might kindly purchase fizzy water and allow your enthusiastic scientists to re-try this experiment at home!


Our next experiment involved placing skittles around the edge of a plate and pouring warm water onto the plate. This created some rather pretty rainbow colours. This experiment was a firm favourite with all pupils but I think this might have had more to do with finishing the left over sweets rather than their love of rainbow colours!!

We finished off our activities with and static electricity. First Class appeared to enjoy both activities. I think they particularly enjoyed rubbing the balloon on a woolly jumper and then watching the balloon pick up pieces of paper, cloth and tinfoil. We even created lovely spiky hair on two very kind volunteers!

A big thank you to one of our pupils who brought in his own materials and demonstrated an experiment to the class. This involved filling a glass with water and then placing a paper plate and an empty toilet roll holder on top. Finally an egg was placed on top of the cardboard toilet roll holder. I was sure at this point that first class would be enjoying scrambled egg for lunch but full credit to our pupil who successfully removed the plate and the egg landed safely in the glass of water. What made it all the more impressive was that this was carried out at speed!

Overall, First Class appeared to enjoy their activities. They learned to predict before experimenting and they also learned that at the end of each experiment they record their results. Thank you to all of our pupils who sent in videos or photographs during the week of experiments that they had been carrying out at home.