Second Class Do This In Memory Mass

In recent years, many children in second class have participated in the Do This In Memory programme in preparation for the sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion. This year’s programme will be a little different, and the children are excited to take part in the masses in a new way.

Starting from Sunday 8th November, recordings of the children’s prayers and singing will be heard in the church at some of the 11.30am masses.Β  Families and children might like to watch the mass live on the webcam on this link:

The children’s candles on the altar will be lit to celebrate the beginning of the Do This In Memory programme. They will be lit from the special Paschal candle at Communion time. They have been personalised by the boys and girls with their names in preparation for today.

The children created illustrations of themselves for the masses, to represent them until they will come to the church again in person.Β  Click the thumbnails below for a closer look!

On the altar rail, the children have created memory jars too, to fondly remember friends and family that have passed away. In November, we remember.

I hope that second class and their families will enjoy the preparations and build-up to making their First Holy Communion this year!